Cheapish bridging router?
(too old to reply)
Robin Faichney
2012-08-10 08:07:04 UTC
I have a wired printer that I'd like to use wirelessly. From the web I
gather the way to go is with a router that can be configured as a
bridge (or in client mode?). Can anybody recommend such a router
that's not too expensive? Also, does the other router have to be
specially set up or does the one at the printer just look like any
other wireless client to it?
Graham J
2012-08-10 09:07:08 UTC
Post by Robin Faichney
I have a wired printer that I'd like to use wirelessly. From the web I
gather the way to go is with a router that can be configured as a
bridge (or in client mode?). Can anybody recommend such a router
that's not too expensive? Also, does the other router have to be
specially set up or does the one at the printer just look like any
other wireless client to it?
Presumably the printer has an Ethernet connection?

If so, you require a wireless access point, configured as a client.

E.G AP-700 Wireless Access Point from http://www.seg.co.uk/

or, at the cheap end of the market:


First make sure your printer has a static IP address on your LAN, either
by configuring it so, or by reservation in your DHCP server.

Read the instructions for the wireless access point very carefully.

Normally, they come out of the box with some arbitrary IP address.
Connect it to a PC - and nothing else - and set the AP with an IP
address on your LAN that is not otherwise used. Configure it with the
correct security settings to communicate with your wireless router.
Then from any PC on your LAN you should be able to ping the AP, and
access its internal management page.

Finally, connect the printer to the AP using an Ethernet cable - you
should be able to ping the printer from any PC on your LAN, and access
its internal management page if it has one.

I repeat: Read the instructions for the wireless access point very
carefully. Most people will fail to get the AP to work. Further, many
APs do not give any indication as to the wireless signal quality - so if
somebody walks past it might just stop working, and you will never know why.

You might be better off using an "Ethernet over mains" solution.

If your printer does not have an Ethernet connection you can get
Ethernet to USB adapters - but the only one I've used came from Belkin
and would not work with a Sharp printer - probably easiest to change the
printer ...
Graham J
Robin Faichney
2012-08-10 09:17:06 UTC
Thanks Graham, this looks extremely useful. My first thought was that
an access point would be the way to go but google results were all
about routers in bridging mode. Yes, by saying "wired printer" I meant
it has an Ethernet port, but that was obviously obscure. :) I'll
report back on how I get on.
Robin Faichney
2012-08-10 09:46:08 UTC
Post by Graham J
E.G AP-700 Wireless Access Point from http://www.seg.co.uk/
Looking at the manuals, these appear to run the same software. I
wonder whether the hardware's the same too...
Graham J
2012-08-10 11:46:05 UTC
Post by Robin Faichney
Post by Graham J
E.G AP-700 Wireless Access Point from http://www.seg.co.uk/
Looking at the manuals, these appear to run the same software. I
wonder whether the hardware's the same too...
They have superficially the same functionality. The Edimax device has 5
Ethernet connctions, so several devices could be connected - might be
Graham J
Robin Faichney
2012-08-14 18:57:38 UTC
Post by Graham J
Post by Robin Faichney
Post by Graham J
E.G AP-700 Wireless Access Point from http://www.seg.co.uk/
Looking at the manuals, these appear to run the same software. I
wonder whether the hardware's the same too...
They have superficially the same functionality. The Edimax device has 5
Ethernet connctions, so several devices could be connected - might be
It (the Edimax) arrived today and I've just had a look at the manual.
Not only is it the usual incompetent English, but flatly contradicts
itself on a fundamental issue: how to connect to it for configuration.
This is not with a direct connection, but with both AP and PC
connected to a router. First it says the computer used must obtain its
IP addr automatically, and if the IP is static then follow these
instructions -- then the instructions following are for setting a
static IP! I'll quote it here so you can see there's no mistake on my

Before you can connect to the access point and start configuration
procedures, your computer must be able to get an IP address
automatically (use dynamic IP address). If it.s set to use static IP
address, or you.re unsure, please follow the following instructions to
configure your computer to use dynamic IP address: If the operating
system of your computer is¡¦. Windows 95/98/Me - please go to section
2-2-1 Windows 2000 - please go to section 2-2-2 Windows XP - please go
to section 2-2-3 Windows Vista please go to section 2-2-4
2-2-1 Windows 95/98/Me IP address setup
1. Click .Start. button (it should be located at lower-left corner of
your computer), then click control panel. Double-click Network icon,
and Network window will appear. Select .TCP/IP., then click
2. Select .Specify an IP address., then input the following settings
in respective field: IP address: Subnet Mask: click .OK. when finish.

How's that for incompetence? I'm going to knock it on the head for now
or I'll be too aggravated to sleep tonight.
Graham J
2012-08-14 19:59:24 UTC

Some Edimax products have a DHCP server enabled out-of-the-box. Others
have an arbitrary static IP address defined somewhere in the atrocious

Here I have two Ethernet over mains devices, one from Edimax, the other
from Newlink. Plysically identical shape, different colour scheme.
Internal web page layout looks the same apart from font and perhaps
background colour.

One has a DHCP server by default, the other not! Can't remember which,
and a quick look at the enclosed "manual" doesn't help.

Always start with just the AP and a PC connected together - nothing else.

It's then the work of a moment to connect a PC and see if it gets an IP
address. It doesn't take much longer to set a suitable static address -
probably the most serious problem is finding the device's IP address in
the manual - then finding the login name and password !!!!!

The Vigor manual isn't actually muuch better - all in badly translated

I don't thnk I can ever remember finding a manual for a networking
product that was nicely written in good English.
Graham J
Robin Faichney
2012-08-15 15:54:54 UTC
It's working! And with very little hassle indeed. Connected PC
directly to AP, set static IP for PC as per manual (or part of it
anyway), configured AP as "Station Infrastructure" with a Site Survey
to identify existing wifi network, configured printer with static IP,
connected printer to AP and viola! Can hardly believe it. Now
convinced the only way to approach all such things is with the lowest
possible expectations. Though to be honest I should probably have
learned that years ago.

Mike Isaacs
2012-08-10 08:58:31 UTC
Post by Robin Faichney
I have a wired printer that I'd like to use wirelessly. From the web I
gather the way to go is with a router that can be configured as a
bridge (or in client mode?). Can anybody recommend such a router
that's not too expensive? Also, does the other router have to be
specially set up or does the one at the printer just look like any
other wireless client to it?
I use a Q-Waves Wireless USB Data Kit to connect my PC to a USB printer
across the room. It works seamlessly.

The only problem may be in finding one on the market nowadays.

Mike Isaacs
Robin Faichney
2012-08-10 09:48:09 UTC
On Fri, 10 Aug 2012 09:58:31 +0100, Mike Isaacs <***@mdji.co.uk>

Sorry, should have made it clearer that the printer has ethernet.